You are... Otonashi Ayana.

welcome to my subarashiki hibi/wonderful everyday shrine. this is a visual novel, and one of the most highly acclaimed for the eroge (erotic game) market, for good reason.
One day, Minakami Yuki witnesses a stuffed toy falling through the air. Battered and worn, how many times has this doll fluttered downwards, released as an attempted offering to the sky? An offering to the sky - a way to find the "day we return to the sky"; a ritual passed down in this town since times gone by. Those efforts shall come to fruition in the place where the girls of earth and sky meet.

this visual novel is very important to me, i read it for the first time in 2022 and it sort of changed my life, but in a different way than when i read it again a few days ago. back then, it changed my life via introducing me to eroge and being more open minded about things out of my comfort zone at the time. if you don't know already, subahibi has a LOT of aspects considered problematic. (incest/rape/pedophilia/abuse/etc). do not read it if you're too sensitive to that kind of thing... but anyways i used to be really against all things deemed immoral or bad by my awful circle of mutuals, but despite this i started read subahibi in secret in april 2022, like i said. when i first read it, i really didn't understand much, but warmed up more and more to it over time. when i had reread it recently, i saw it in an entire different light, maybe it's how much i've grown since two years ago or something but i connected with it so much more. it's really beautiful and i can't stop obsessing over it still. i even bought a subahibi cosplay... excited for it to get here...!!!!!! i really recommend subahibi if you like philosophy and can handle fictional dark topics.